Thursday, June 25, 2009

Good evening. I am happy to report that the new student entrance door is installed! Mrs. Zolfaghari and I have enjoyed the natural light and great view of the hill. It will be nice for students and staff to have access directly into the front office and the conference room can once again be used as a conference room without the constant opening and closing of the side door. I'd like to thank the district maintenance department for their work in demolition and installation of the new door and Mr. Fine and Mr. Mueller for seeing the need and providing the door. When you have a chance, drive by and take a look. Sincerely, Mrs. Calhoun


  1. Happy to hear of the schools improvements! Ethan's excited about starting 6th grade...see you in a couple months. Have a great summer!

  2. This is a great way to keep the community informed. Keep up the great communication. Let's get more folks updated.
